Zip files selected by name, date or content, like including/excluding sub folders of a folder, zip only files changed since 3 days, or zip only files differing between two folders, with the free Open Source tool Swiss File Knife for Windows, Mac OS and Linux.

sfk sel ... +zipto outfile
sfk seluni ... +zipto outfile

zip files selected by a previous command.

UTF-8 filename encoding

the same applies as with sfk zip. however,

- if you use sfk sel ... +zipto then only file-
  name characters of your own system codepage
  can be stored, as shown by: sfk ascii

  if you use sfk seluni ... +zipto then any
  unicode filename, including asian and cyrillic,
  can be stored.

  -force    overwrite existing zip file.
  -asdir x  create a new folder x within the zip
            and add all files into that folder.
            cannot add to an existing folder.
  -nometa   do not add the os/code comment.
  -setexec  mask1 mask2 !mask3 ...
            mark files as executable with
            linux/mac operating systems.
            must be followed by -dir ...

see also
  sfk zip       all infos about zip creation.
  sfk ziptouni  add just UTF-8 names.
  sfk unzip     extract zip files.

  sfk sel mydir +zipto out
    add all files of mydir into,
    as UTF-8, limited to characters of your
    windows system codepage.

  sfk seluni mydir +zipto out
    add all files of mydir as UTF-8 filenames,
    supporting filenames of any language, like
    cyrillic, greek or chinese. use seluni only
    with +zipto as other sfk functions will fail
    to read the listed utf-8 filenames.

  sfk sel -dir mydir -subdir !save !\tmp
   -file !.bak !old +zipto out
    add all of mydir into, except for
    sub folders having 'save' in their name or
    starting with 'tmp', and except for files
    with .bak extension or 'old' in their name.

  sfk sel -text mydir +zipto out
    collect all ascii plain text files,
    but no binaries like .obj .exe .png

  sfk fromclip +zipto out
    if you see filenames in the console,
    mark and copy them to clipboard, then run
    this command to collect them to
    for tips how to configure clipboard support
    with CMD.EXE type: sfk help shell

  sfk fromclip +filt -tabform $col4 +zipto out
    a spreadsheed table contains 4 colums, with
    filenames in the 4th column. copy the table
    to the clipboard, then run this command
    to zip all files listed in the 4th column.

  sfk today -nosub . .bat +zipto out -asdir monday
    select all .bat files that were changed today,
    in the current dir but without sub folders,
    and add them to as a new virtual folder
    named 'monday'.

  sfk xfind mydir "/foo*bar/" -names +zipto out
    search all text files in mydir for phrases
    starting foo and ending bar. pass the list of
    found filenames to zipto, and create
