Load text from an office file like .docx .xlsx .odt .ods on the command line with the free Open Source tool Swiss File Knife

sfk oload in.docx +...

load office file content as plain text,
for easy display or further processing.

about line wrapping

- when sending to a command that expects
  text lines like
     sfk oload in.xlsx +filter ...
  then long lines or stream text will be
  hard wrapped at 4096 characters.

- when sending to stream capable commands
  like xed and xex data is not wrapped.

-force     if file cannot be read, continue script
           with empty data
-noerr     don't show error messages
-utfout    keep raw UTF-8 encoding on output, to use it
           with further commands requiring UTF-8 data.
-raw       get raw xml data, for content analysis.
           implies -utfout.
-subnames  with .xlsx files only: add header lines
           with sheet subfile names.

see also
   sfk help office  supported office file types
   sfk xex          extract phrases from text
   sfk ofilter      get lines from office file

   sfk oload in.docx
      display contents of a .docx word file
   sfk oload in.xlsx
      display spreadsheet table data as plain text
   sfk oload in.xlsx +filter -+foo
      get all lines with 'foo' from a table
   sfk oload in.docx +xex "/foo**bar/"
      extract multi line blocks from a word file
      starting with foo and ending with bar
   sfk oload in.xlsx +filt -no-empty-lines +tabtocsv
      get records from a table, drop empty lines,
      then convert from tabs to comma separated data.
   sfk oload -raw in.docx +xmlform +view
      reformat and display xml content using dview.