Remove blanks from filenames and directory names with the free sfk deblank command line tool for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

sfk deblank dirname [.ext1] [.ext2] [...]

remove blanks from filenames and directory names
by replacing them by an underscore '_'.
simulates by default. add -yes to apply changes.

web reference


   sfk deblank docs
      lists all directories and files within docs having
      blanks in their names, previewing changes.

   sfk select docs +deblank
      deblanks only the names of files, not of directories.

   sfk select -withdirs docs +deblank
      deblanks filenames and directories.
example with output:

   sfk deblank testfiles

      testfiles\Formats\09 blank file name.txt
         -> testfiles\Formats\09_blank_file_name.txt

      testfiles\Formats\17 blank dir\tree with blank\file name.txt 
         -> testfiles\Formats\17 blank dir\tree with blank\file_name.txt

      testfiles\Formats\17 blank dir\tree with blank 
         -> testfiles\Formats\17 blank dir\tree_with_blank

      testfiles\Formats\17 blank dir 
         -> testfiles\Formats\17_blank_dir
      [add -yes to execute.]

   sfk deblank testfiles -yes

      testfiles\Formats\09 blank file name.txt 
         -> testfiles\Formats\09_blank_file_name.txt

      testfiles\Formats\17 blank dir\tree with blank\file name.txt 
         -> testfiles\Formats\17 blank dir\tree with blank\file_name.txt

      testfiles\Formats\17 blank dir\tree with blank 
         -> testfiles\Formats\17 blank dir\tree_with_blank

      testfiles\Formats\17 blank dir 
         -> testfiles\Formats\17_blank_dir